Daily Mirror

Extra £10k exes for MPs really got my goat... they should give that to binmen Isolate me from my fridge Family and friends keep me going No fashion icon Making a song and dance

Val Savage’s self-isolation diary

- BY MARYAM QAISER mirrornews@mirror.co.uk @DailyMirro­r

LIKE millions of others, Val Savage, mum of ex-football star and Mirror columnist Robbie Savage, is self-isolating. Val, 72 yesterday, is a Radio 5 Live celebrity thanks to her appearance­s on Robbie’s shows. Here she talks to Julie McCaffrey about her fourth week stuck at home:

HEARING that Boris Johnson was in intensive care gave me a shock and made me think “God love him”.

I’ve never been a fan but it doesn’t matter what party wins your vote, it’s awful to hear of anyone being so ill.

One reason I’m not a fan is because he always looks like he needs a good hairbrush, although my hair looks a bit like his now.

Anyway, while he’s been in hospital, the announceme­nt that MPs are getting an extra £10,000 for coronaviru­s expenses really got my goat. I was so angry and disgusted I thundered around the house all day.

That morning I’d watched the binmen in our street carry out their important jobs then jump into the cabin of the truck – all three of them.

They can’t socially distance but they have no choice. The £10,000 should go to the binmen. Or the NHS workers who put their lives on the line for us, like the Welsh heart surgeon Jitendra Rathod who died of coronaviru­s this week.

This disease is so cruel it takes the most caring people from us. While Boris is poorly I’m tempted to get a gang together to help run the country.

We’d be called the Robin Hood Party and me and my merry men would take from the rich and give to the poor.

We’d ask everyone with big empty houses to open them up for homeless people.

Fair play to Gary Neville for opening his hotel for free to NHS staff – that is the sort of kindness people never forget.

PM Val would make sure anyone caught having a house or street party during lockdown gets banged up in jail.

We’ve been too lenient – it’s time to stop tapping them on the hand and start really enforcing the law. We’d say: “Off you go – have a party in the cells and bring all your friends”. Where’s the sense in having

a party in these times? How could people be so stupid and selfish?

Over the Easter weekend it’s crucial we sacrifice family get-togethers for the sake of the nation’s health.

The message is simple and I’m astounded people still aren’t getting it. Think of your families. Please stay apart now so when we’re together again no one is missing.

Food has become a focal point now that all the days are so clear.

I’ve tried to limit my cheese by buying tiny individual portions of Cathedral cheddar instead of a big block. But after I ate six tiny portions in one go, I realised I’d have been better off buying the block.

I asked my daughter in law not to buy me any chocolate for Easter because I love it too much. If I get a box of Maltesers, I can’t stop at only two. And you know that hole on the box? I don’t bother with it and just rip the whole thing off. I usually spend Easter with Robert’s family and we go to a restaurant – a nice one where they don’t give you a lot.

It’s beautiful food but sometimes I’d like to say: “Excuse me, are there seconds? This is lovely – but is this just a sample?”

When we’re on the other side I’m going to go for a pub meal and have a hearty portion of pie, mash and a good dollop of mushy peas. But for now I need to stay isolated from my fridge.

My family is doing a lovely job of caring for me from afar and I’m lucky to have everything I need. The deliveries of food left on my doorstep are so thoughtful and appreciate­d. Sometimes I feel guilty and helpless because I can’t return their help while I stay home. This week I phoned my neighbour Ed, who’s on his own after he lost his lovely wife. He’s a big reader and was bored because he’d read all his books and can’t get to the library.

So I called my other friend Betty, who’s also a widow, as her late husband was a big reader. Within an hour Ed had a carrier bag of books delivered to his doorstep.

Even though we have to stay indoors, we’re doing little helpful things in our own little circles. It’s keeping us going.

I hear some celebritie­s are dressing up to the nines to brighten up their lockdown. Not me. I’ve never dressed posh. I am what I am.

I’m sticking to comfy leggings and a floaty top which covers a multitude of sins.

I don’t have a figure like Twiggy any more – these days I’m more Vera Duckworth.

Don’t laugh but singing into my water bottle mic is still giving me a lift. This week I’ve done quite a few more stage appearance­s in my living room. Crowds are getting bigger each day and they keep calling for an encore – in my mind.

I thought about playing some imaginary instrument­s too but was only ever given the triangle to play at school. For now I’m just treating my stadium full of fans to my voice and dance moves.

This week my headline song is Things Can Only Get Better.

 ??  ?? MAKE ME PM Val set out her plans for the country
MAKE ME PM Val set out her plans for the country
 ??  ?? FAMILY MEAL Val is missing Rob
REAL HEROES Binmen and surgeon Dr Rathod, right
FAMILY MEAL Val is missing Rob REAL HEROES Binmen and surgeon Dr Rathod, right

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