Daily Mirror

Serco test and trace disgrace


■ THE whole process of awarding the NHS test-and-trace contract to Serco should be called into question. This company provided the out-of-hours GP service in Cornwall between 2003 and 2015, and during this time, its performanc­e was abysmal. It was finally revealed that figures for performanc­e were being falsified and their contract was terminated 17 months early.

The resulting mess impacted badly on primary and secondary care in the county. Why were lessons not learnt prior to the Government handing them the test-and-trace contract? Serco are very good at winning contracts but in health they have failed in the past and seem to have done so again. Phil Dommett, retired GP Falmouth, Cornwall

■ The Government’s test-andtrace system is not fit for purpose, and councils have been forced to set up their own programmes, yet still the Government refuses to cancel Serco’s contract. Given this firm’s appalling track record it shouldn’t be given any public contracts, let alone one as important as this.

How we come through the rest of this pandemic depends on us having a functionin­g test-and-trace programme, but once again, ministers put their own interests first. This is the Tory way. Why people vote for them I will never understand.

E Bainbridge, Stockport Gtr Manchester

■ How could this woeful Tory Government have handed a multi-million pound contract to the controvers­ial Serco in the first place? Due to Serco’s awful record, not only with regard to test and trace, but in other areas such as immigratio­n, why have they not been given the boot when local health groups have a far superior record in this area?

The Tories have blood on their hands with their mishandlin­g of this crisis and must change tack urgently to prevent more needless loss of life. Giving crucial contracts to political chums is simply wrong. Bill Cook, Teignmouth, Devon

■ The test-and-trace fiasco under the control of Serco is another blunder by Boris Johnson’s dreadful Government. Local firms should have been in charge from the outset, but as usual, if they donate to the Tory coffers, they get the contract.

As the Covid death toll keeps rising we have only got this hapless Government to blame. They should be stripped of the contract before many more die in this pandemic.

Dave Mellor, Warrington

■ Serco’s chief executive is Rupert Soames, Tory Party “friend” and Winston Churchill’s grandson. His test-and-trace system has proved useless with contact tracers only reaching an average of 2.4 people each and this has cost millions. Serco must not get another penny of taxpayers’ money.

Tony Howard, Salford

Gtr Manchester

■ What hold does Serco have over the Government? They were found guilty of falsifying records in Cornwall and have botched school contracts. How and why do they keep getting these big contracts? Something is rotten in this Government.

Ian Fleck, Par, Cornwall

■ So, the Government’s test-andtrace system is another Serco failure. Par for the course and yet the Government keep handing out taxpayers’ cash. It seems the more you fail the more you receive. David Hassell, Birmingham

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