Daily Mirror

I need a bone marrow donor to save my life

Evie, 8, needs stem cells for deadly blood disease

- BY LUCY THORNTON and ALEX STOREY lucy.thornton@mirror.co.uk @lucethornt­on

THE parents of a girl battling a deadly blood disorder are begging people to join the stem cell donor register to save her life, after her only match in the world pulled out at the last minute.

Evie Hodgson, eight, who suffers from aplastic anaemia, was due to have a bone marrow transplant this month but her donor backed out at the last possible moment.

Her mum, Tina, says the chances of finding another donor are so slim that doctors are now planning a different course of treatment. But, in future, a stem call transplant is Evie’s best hope of being cured.

The schoolgirl, from Whitby, North Yorks, was first taken to hospital with a rash and was diagnosed with aplastic anaemia in May.

After a global donor search was launched, a 10/10 match was found and the anonymous donor agreed to the procedure. In preparatio­n, Evie had to have dental work and one of her ovaries was removed. But on August 14 the donor pulled out.


Tina, 37, who works at RAF Flyingdale­s, in Pickering, North Yorks, said: “We were devastated, it was a huge blow. We have no idea why the donor changed their mind. Evie has already been through so much. She thought she had a donor and now she doesn’t.

“The donor pulling out is quite hardhittin­g, but we want to raise awareness of the stem cell register. It’s so easy to be a donor. It’s just like giving blood, but you could save a child’s life. It’s so easy to join but only 1% of the UK population is registered.”

Evie said: “I need this transplant to save my life. Please sign the register to help.”

Tina added: “The condition Evie has is lifethreat­ening. She won’t survive without a transplant. We are desperatel­y appealing for people to sign the stem cell register.”

Evie was diagnosed with the condition after she developed a pin-prick rash on her back, which didn’t fade. Tests revealed she had low blood platelet levels and she was told she needed a bone marrow transplant.

Aplastic anaemia is a rare life-threatenin­g condition where the bone marrow fails to produce enough blood cells. Around 100-150 people are diagnosed in the UK each year.

Treatment can include immunosupp­ressants, chemothera­py, blood transfusio­ns, or blood and bone marrow transplant­s.

Neither Tina, dad Andy, 49, or brother William, five, were a match and so an internatio­nal search was launched.

Tina said: “Our world crumbled when Evie was diagnosed. Evie knew she’d need chemothera­py. She donated her hair to The Little Princess Trust, after making friends with poorly children who have lost all their hair.”

Evie will be treated with immunosupp­ressants while the search for a donor continues. ■ To help Evie, visit: dkms.org.uk/en/evie

I need this transplant to save my life. Please sign the list EVIE HODGSON IN PLEA FOR STEM CELL DONORS

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