Daily Mirror

Let’s do this together


Goodbye summer flip-flops, and hello slippers. Right, that’s it for me and Devon – I’ve seen every roundabout there is to see on the A303 for my summer holidays.

Tired and feeling a bit sick after going on the boneshakin­g Thriller fun fair ride just before we left Brixham, Jesse fell asleep in the car just as she did as a toddler.

Going round yet another roundabout, my phone slid off the dashboard and woke her up, so we had to stop for yet another fast-food meal.

You know you’ve done too much driving when the prospect of yet more French fries just makes you long for a green salad.

Then just as she bit into her food, her remaining baby tooth came out. Actually baby tooth sounds like the wrong descriptio­n – it was about the size of the chicken nugget she was munching.

“That’s worth at least a tenner,” she grinned, and went back to listening to the grime racket coming from her earphones.

It seems only fitting that at the end of summer, two days before she starts her new big school, that the last of my baby girl has gone.

But before I feel too sad, I should add that she’s been replaced by a beautiful, funny, smart and kind young woman, although the next few months are going to be a bit of a hormonal rollercoas­ter in our house. Strap yourself in for the ride…

I’d just like to say thank you to everyone so far who has written in with their sweetie memories, and also for the terrific response to our poem competitio­n. Seems like we have a lot of poets-and-don’t-they-know-it out there.

Keep ’em coming to siobhan.mcnally@mirror.co.uk or Community Corner, PO Box 791, Winchester SO23 3RP. Yours, Siobhan

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