Daily Mirror


on last night’s telly


‘‘ It feels like something by Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, with whiffs of The Inbetweene­rs & Killing Eve

Two Weeks To Live, Sky One/ NOWTV ★★★☆

Without wishing to add any undue pressure, it would be fair to say that for Maisie Williams there’s a lot riding on this new comedy-drama.

It’s her first proper outing since last year’s Game Of Thrones finale, so all eyes will be on her – like when a former girl band member releases her first solo stuff. Luckily, Sky has thrown its weight fully behind her project with some impressive locations and stunts and some equally eye-catching co-stars, including Sian Clifford from Fleabag, Sean Pertwee and Jason Flemyng.

The only thing that could possibly count against it is the subject matter.

Well, I’m guessing that not everyone will be desperate to watch a show about the end of the world right now. However, for anyone looking for some escapism and a good laugh this six-parter should more than do the job.

It feels like the sort of thing Nick Frost and

Simon Pegg might have come up with, with whiffs of The Inbetweene­rs, Killing Eve and Inside No.9 thrown in for good measure.

Williams plays Kim, who witnessed her father’s murder at the age of six and has been living in an isolated Scottish cabin ever since with her controllin­g mum Tina (Clifford), who’s a bit Bear Grylls meets Lara Croft.

Kim has had enough of being shielded so sets out on a road trip with the intention of seeing the world while she can – and avenging her dad’s killing.

It soon becomes clear she can look after herself – ask the bloke who tried to charge her £23 for a bacon sarnie and a cuppa.

His cafe wasn’t even in London.

 ??  ?? ON THE ROAD Maisie Williams stars as tough cookie Kim, out to avenge her father’s murder
ON THE ROAD Maisie Williams stars as tough cookie Kim, out to avenge her father’s murder
 ??  ??

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