Daily Mirror

Has Scotland fired the starting gun to break from Britain?

- BY KEIR MUDIE keir.mudie@mirror.co.uk @MudieK

NICOLA Sturgeon is laying the groundwork for a second Scottish independen­ce referendum many believe could lead to the break-up of the Union.

Scotland’s First Minister will use the next few weeks to draw up a timetable and a question to put to voters, with a bill published ahead of Scottish Parliament elections in May 2021.

“Indyref 2” has been on the backburner during the pandemic.

But the issue will not go away, with wounds still raw after the 2014 vote where 55% of Scots chose to stay in.

And, despite the threat of a hard border with England, austerity and the end of the Union, independen­ce is more popular than ever.

During her speech this week Ms Sturgeon said: “We will make the case for Scotland to become an independen­t country and seek a clear endorsemen­t of Scotland’s right to choose our own future.”

Some believe she has been forced into the move to calm tension in her party or put pressure on Westminste­r.

One insider said: “There’s a different feel to it this time. Sturgeon has never been in a hurry for a referendum, and it’s not like they will set a date now. But make no mistake, it’s coming.”

Polling shows support for independen­ce has been boosted by the pandemic as well as Brexit.

YouGov’s latest survey says that after taking out “don’t knows”, “Yes” is on 53% with “No” is on 47%. This, it says, is the largest lead of any YouGov poll on the matter.

And the performanc­e of Boris Johnson and his government have fuelled that support.

Tim Bale, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London, said: “The Tories can’t say they weren’t warned.

“During their leadership contest, a poll north of the border suggested support for independen­ce would rise to 55% if Boris Johnson

– to many Scots the quintessen­tial English toff – emerged as the winner.

“Add to that the perception in Scotland that Nicola Sturgeon’s handling of the pandemic has been so much better than the PM’s, then throw in the mess Scottish Labour is in, and the SNP looks set for a resounding victory in the Holyrood elections.

“That win will inevitably be seen in Edinburgh as a mandate for IndyRef 2. Legally, the decision to allow one probably remains with Westminste­r but politicall­y, even morally, the pressure will be incredibly hard to resist.”

One Holyrood source agreed, saying: “We have to start making the case now for allowing a referendum but laying out a clear case for staying.

“Johnson has been a gift. He represents everything people up here hate – an old-Etonian establishm­ent figure.

“The fact he has said he won’t allow another referendum is fuel to the fire.”

Some believe the vote will be decided on economic arguments.

A poll showed 42% think an independen­t Scotland would be worse off. Just 24% think the opposite.

Support for a Wales breakaway is growing too and in Ireland 46% of voters told pollsters they want reunificat­ion, while 45% do not.

But Scotland is the most imminent threat to the Union and the SNP will fight any referendum refusal.

Alex Neil, a former SNP health secretary, has called for peaceful mass disobedien­ce campaigns.

Western Isles MP Angus MacNeil says his 47 SNP Westminste­r colleagues could resign and stand on an independen­ce ticket in by-elections.

One insider said: “It’s a timebomb and the only conclusion I can see is that it leads to the end of the Union.”

 ??  ?? GOING IT ALONE First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
GOING IT ALONE First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
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