Daily Mirror

Kellie’s battle for happiness to be a movie

- BY MARK JEFFERIES Showbiz Editor

KELLIE Maloney’s life story of being boxing promoter Frank battling gender dysphoria to finding happiness as a woman is being made into a film.

US company Verdi Production­s will first make a documentar­y, Kellie, tracing the 67-year-old’s life representi­ng British heavyweigh­t champion Lennox Lewis and her gender reassignme­nt.

This will be followed by a feature film to be released next year. It comes after producers saw Kellie in a documentar­y about Lewis.

She said: “They were so impressed with what I did in his career, and read my book, that they started filming my life story too.”

Producer Chad Verdi said of Kellie: “She’s so much tougher than Lewis.”

 ??  ?? INSPIRING Kellie Maloney
INSPIRING Kellie Maloney

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