Daily Mirror

Changes fly over heads in Liverpool


MERSEYSIDE­RS basking in the sun yesterday were baffled as about the new restrictio­ns.

As they enjoyed a drink in Liverpool’s Castle Street, twins Ellen and Alex Murphy, 25, said the “rules seem to change every day”.

“If you asked me now I wouldn’t know exactly what the restrictio­ns are,” Ellen admitted.

The sisters were thankful the 10pm curfew will not be enforced until next week, leaving them free to enjoy a meal with friends.

They urged teenagers to use “common sense”, with Ellen adding: “We feel it is the younger people, 17 and 18, who are ignoring the rules.”

Dominic Corr, 51, who runs software design firm Cubetek Ltd in the city, said: “I can’t go to a friend’s house but I can go to the cinema? It just seems they are making it up as they go along.”

Brenda and Howard Garner said they are worried about their weekly visit to help a friend, who is in her 90s, once the restrictio­ns come into force next Tuesday.

“We go every Monday so we will be ok next week but what happens then?” said Brenda 70.

Howard, 73, added: “We could not see her during lockdown and she definitely suffered because of it.”

The Government has urged people to only use public transport when “essential”. But the couple do not drive and travel everywhere by bus.

Italian pals Carlotta Cervia, 23, and Sofia Migliore, 19, welcomed the measures if it means the virus is contained.

Carlotta said: “It is not important to go out late at night while Covid is with us.”

Staff at Gino D’Acampo’s restaurant in the city are wondering how the Government is planning to “supervise” customers after a meal out as they might want to gather at each other’s homes.

 ??  ?? MIXED UP Ellen & Alex can’t keep up with changes
MIXED UP Ellen & Alex can’t keep up with changes
 ??  ?? OBLIGATION Howard & Brenda are concerned
OBLIGATION Howard & Brenda are concerned
 ??  ?? CONFUSED Dominic questioned the logic
CONFUSED Dominic questioned the logic

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