Daily Mirror


- JR Williams, East London

This week my annoyance at the overuse of the very annoying “y’know” in everyday conversati­on struck a chord with many of you:

»Hi Fiona, I enjoy your column every week. May I share another annoying phrase that really gets to me? Why do people say “these ones” !??? My English teacher used to rap our knuckles when we said it! It surely is bad English! And it’s said by even the most educated of people!

Mike Southport, via email

FP: But not us, Mike. WE know better!

»Fiona, I read last week’s Your Shout about the use of “y’know”. Have you also noticed that there is an awful lot of starting a conversati­on with the word “so”. What’s all that about? Another maddening thing is I’ve recently heard a lot of people not pronouncin­g the “g” at the end of words ending in “ing”. So frustratin­g! Really love your work, Fiona…

Joy, via email

FP: So happy to hear that, Joy; you’ll enjoy this week’s edition then, complete with your contributi­on!

»Hi Fiona, Y’know what, like? “So” is next on the irritating list.

Murdo Martin, via email

FP: Sounds like you and Joy might get on well, then, Murdo! (I’m liking your very Scottish name BTW).

»Fiona, your main article last week, “This Nation of Grafters”, really struck a chord with me; I couldn’t agree more! We lost our mother when I was 13, the second oldest of five boys, and soon realised that if I wanted anything in life, I had to work for it.

On top of taking care of the younger siblings, I had two paper rounds, babysittin­g, milk rounds, Christmas jobs etc. I was always in work and had my own money; always some put aside for a rainy day.

I got my first job one week after leaving school at 16 after a family friend knocked on my door to ask if I could do his job for two weeks, so that he could go on holiday. When I asked him why he picked me, he said simply because I know you are reliable.

I stayed with that company for seven years before moving on to the next.

I’m now 58 and have worked all my life and never received one penny in benefits. I bought my own house at 25 and put myself through university as a mature student.

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