Daily Mirror



PETR CECH can still play at the highest level, according to Chelsea midfielder Jorginho.

Jorginho admitted 38-year-old Cech being added to Chelsea’s 25-man Premier League squad came as a surprise – even to other players.

But Cech, who retired more than a year ago and has been added as emergency cover, is on the list, along with Edouard Mendy, Kepa Arrizabala­ga and Willy Caballero.

Cech (above), who is the club’s performanc­e and technical adviser, has still trained and has even helped the keepers in training this season.

Italy midfielder Jorginho (below) said: “I think he can help a lot.

“He is a legend and he has so much experience, so I really think he could help so much in the dressing room and, if he has to play, he could still do it.

“It would be a pleasure for me to play with him because I have only ever played with him on PlayStatio­n.”

Chelsea boss Frank Lampard insists Cech’s inclusion is only as emergency back-up after the club has had huge issues with the keepers.

Record signing Kepa joined for £76million, but has had a nightmare before Mendy was brought in this season to try to solve the problem.

Now Cech might just prove to be their best, even though he has not played competitiv­ely for a while.

Jorginho also believes another veteran, 36-year-old defender Thiago Silva, will bring much-needed experience to tighten up their defence and is a big influence – even though he has yet to learn English.

Jorginho added: “He is a big personalit­y, a big player, with big experience. He is helping all of us as a group, the younger players, everyone. He has personalit­y and is happy to help everyone.

“He finds a way to communicat­e, whether it is with his hands or he speaks to me and I give the informatio­n to the other guys. We find a way.

“He has helped a lot, talking a lot. Defensivel­y, he has massive experience and he knows about football tactically, so he is helping all of us so much.

“He has played at a high level for a long time. I think it is easy to see he is a great player on the pitch.”

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