Daily Mirror

Slacker Boris needs to get a grip of the Covid crisis


HELLO! It’s Mrs R here, the other Lynne from Skipton.

Not the one who asked the Prime Minister his first question from the public, but Paul’s better half.

He’s mentioned me a few times, so I thought it was time you heard a few of my thoughts for a change.

So here goes ...

Boris, get a grip. Get off your backside and do your job. Forget your ego and get things done, instead of hiding away.

All the people who have lost loved ones deserve better. And you promised to “look into” the scandal of lost maternity leave for women who were pregnant during the lockdown. Many of them are having to return to work early because they have to.

Finding child care is never easy, but you should know all about that. I must confess

I am a hoarder. I can’t help it. Keep it for a rainy day is my motto. You might need a chocolate sponge pudding one day.

But not Mr R.

Books are taken to Oxfam if he doesn’t need them. Or bin it. No wonder he got a shredder for Christmas.

I don’t know about your house, but do you have a his and hers?

Here at home it’s the remote control for me, no messing, I’m in charge. For Mr R, it’s the microwave. I hate it with a passion.

One thing I have learned this year is never take things for granted, what with all the things we had planned as a family, and seeing our great-granddaugh­ter – a feisty strong pandemic baby. I don’t know who she takes after.

So life goes on here. I have one small honeysuckl­e left on a branch outside my kitchen window.

Every day I look to see if it’s still there, but soon it will be gone, only to come back again next year, better, sweeter and a reminder that everything comes back better than before.

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