Daily Mirror

Vile Tories serve only themselves

- Edited by David Green, Liverpool

WELL done for publishing the names of all 322 Tory MPs who so shamefully voted against giving free meals to children in poverty.

This shows the Tories don’t give a damn about people who are struggling to make ends meet yet they throw huge sums of money at worthless projects like HS2.

Maybe now the people who so misguidedl­y voted this callous government into power will realise who they voted for.

I read with interest letters from southern readers B Holland and Derek McMillan ( Your Voice, Oct 22) making critical remarks about those who “lent” their vote to the Tories. Although I’m a northerner, I fully agree with their comments.

But they shouldn’t tar us all with the same brush. Perhaps I should get a T-shirt with: “Don’t blame me, I voted Labour!” printed on it? Chris Holden

Urmston, Gtr Manchester

I really believed we had scraped the bottom of the barrel of this Tory government’s mismanagem­ent of the pandemic some time ago, but it appears I was wrong.

Why did the free meals question actually need to be voted on in the first place? Surely, it’s a no-brainer? Young people are the future of this country and should not go hungry. This callous body of 322 Tory MPs should be ashamed of their self-serving malice. Dieter Neve Silsden, West Yorks

Following the vote against providing funds to feed needy

children, I hope these well-heeled Tory MPs are proud of themselves. They are the same people who are almost certain to accept the £3,000 pay rise they are due shortly.

How many of them would be willing to donate that amount so hungry children can be fed?

This Government is all about a “me me me” culture. As long as my bank balance is OK, it doesn’t matter about anyone else.

Children don’t ask to be born and we should consider it our duty to make sure none of them starve. Mel Parry

Mountain Ash, Mid Glamorgan

The sheer hypocrisy of Tory ministers who live high on the hog like Victorian lords of the land beggars belief.

These are the same self-serving Tory MPs who happily consume the subsidised food and drink in the House of Commons restaurant­s and bars while claiming for all and sundry on their expenses.

How do they sleep at night?

Neil Atherton St Helens, Merseyside

When a minister like Nadhim Zahawi, who once claimed

expenses to heat his stables, votes down a motion to help feed hungry children in holiday times, what does it say about our nation?

I am ashamed that once again the most vulnerable in our society, notably children, are made to go hungry for what would involve a pitifully small sum of money.

I hope these Tories are proud of themselves . They know nothing about hunger and are an absolute disgrace.

Douglas Scott, Mitcheldea­n, Glos

Was it any surprise the heartless Tories voted against extending the free school meals scheme?

This vote was taken electronic­ally, but had it have been taken in the Commons, the Tories would have cast their shameful vote and trotted off down the corridor into subsidised restaurant­s and bars. Allan Norris, Hornchurch

Gtr London

Have the totally uncaring Tories who are allowing vulnerable children to go hungry during a pandemic considered it will be payback time in 2024 when they will be political history?

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