Daily Mirror

Garden ornament gives me heavy sinking feeling


HALF-WAY through Lockdown Two! But oh, the tribulatio­ns of living in the Pennines where stone is king.

I inherited the damn thing, and I don’t know what to do with it.

It might be a valuable work of Victorian kitchen architectu­re, just like the one we had in our Railway Terrace scullery when I was a kid.

But who wants a shallow stone sink that’s too heavy to lift? By this septuagena­rian, anyway. It was full of earth and the retreating owner used it to grow cacti and other plants, without much success. I did put in some daffodil bulbs, but now I want rid.

Put it on Facebook, or eBay, advises my brother John, and sell it. I don’t know how to and, for that matter, neither does he. Some adviser.

I’ve toppled the monster from the top of my shed and it sits upside-down, resting at an angle on the flags.

I could probably use the loose stone somewhere on the allotment.

Sledgehamm­er have I none, but I do have a lump hammer that should suffice.

Not the kind of tool I get to play with very often. I’m only so-so with DIY – more the kind of person who earns the money and then pays somebody who knows what they’re doing to do the job.

It’s not really a big operation and, in any case, where do you get a demolition contractor in the middle of a pandemic?

I might turn to the Old White Bear Old Boys’ Club, in the hope of finding a lad who will help me out of my dilemma.

The rules ought to allow a brief working visit for this purpose.

I’ll let you know how I get on. Meanwhile, a stony silence.

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