Daily Mirror

Ripper’s brother: I’m being kept in dark on funeral

Family of serial killer Sutcliffe learned of his death from TV

- BY PAUL BYRNE and SAMANTHA YULE paul.byrne@mirror.co.uk @PaulByrneM­irror

BOND Peter Sutcliffe & ex Sonia, now thought to be arranging funeral

THE Yorkshire Ripper’s brother says prison officials failed to tell him his serial killer sibling was dying and he is now being left out of the funeral arrangemen­ts.

Mick Sutcliffe, 70, was the only family member who kept in contact with Peter Sutcliffe, who died last week, aged 74.

The brothers spoke every week, and Mick said: “I loved Peter Sutcliffe the brother, but hated the Yorkshire Ripper.”

He said the 15-minute calls from Frankland Prison stopped abruptly three weeks ago. Mick said: “He was right as rain the last time I spoke to him, then all of a sudden, nothing.

“I kept ringing when I wasn’t getting his calls and still they would not tell me anything. I’m seeing in the news that he’s had a heart attack and then contracted coronaviru­s, but they refused to tell me anything.”

Sutcliffe died in hospital on Friday after refusing treatment. Mick, who only found out when he switched on the TV news, said: “The night before he died I rang the prison demanding answers, I said to them, ‘I better not wake up tomorrow to find out he’s dead’. And then he was.


“I know that Peter, even with his diabetes and being blind, didn’t think his time would be up yet. Our dad and grandad lived into their 80s and he thought he would do the same – especially as he never drank or smoked.”

Seriously ill himself with lung disease, Mick now fears being frozen out of the funeral plans, thought to be in the hands of Sutcliffe’s ex-wife Sonia, 70.

He said: “I’ll probably know when I get a jam jar full of ashes.”

Mick said: “I still spoke to Peter because he was my brother.

“I didn’t think he was capable of anything like that. I never saw any nastiness in him. I asked him when I spoke to him after his arrest and he told me it was him. I couldn’t believe it.”

Sutcliffe was wed to Sonia when he killed 13 women from 1975 to 1980. Sonia remarried and cut contact with him around five years ago.

Mick said: “Peter was really upset. He said, ‘ She won’t take my calls any more, Mick’. Peter loved Sonia up until the end.”

Mick, who has another brother and two sisters, said Sutcliffe’s crimes had “tarred us as a family”.

He added: “Of course, it’s nothing compared to what the families of the victims have had to go through.

“I am sorry for them all.”

The night before he died I rang the prison demanding answers


 ??  ?? CLOSE Peter Sutcliffe, aged 14, left, and his younger brother Mick
TARRED BY EVIL But Mick & Sutcliffe had weekly calls
CLOSE Peter Sutcliffe, aged 14, left, and his younger brother Mick TARRED BY EVIL But Mick & Sutcliffe had weekly calls
 ??  ??

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