Daily Mirror

We’re Mourning over ITV axing

- FIONA PARKER Edited by E Howard, North London

I couldn’t believe it when I heard Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes are apparently being axed from Friday’s This Morning.

I really look forward to Friday mornings with them. I’m in the older age bracket and I’d say my age group watches morning TV more than younger people, so ITV bosses need some considerat­ion for the oldies.

Alison Hammond is a lovely person but she’s a tad too noisy for me while Dermot O’Leary is just the opposite, although he’s a brilliant host. I watched them together and didn’t think they gelled.

There are plenty of programmes for young people and TV bosses should think about older people who are self-isolating.

Myself and my friends are very annoyed – we don’t like change, especially when they are the most entertaini­ng presenters on TV.

Shame on you, ITV. You should do a poll asking us who we’d like to see on the show! Chris Magill, Newquay, Cornwall

Has ITV gone mad? Friday’s This Morning is the best day by far. I have a feeling their reported decision to axe Ruth and Eamonn will come back to bite them. Those two are so entertaini­ng that I just can’t believe this decision. Have the higher- ups never heard of the old saying, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”? Rest assured I, along with my husband – and I dare say thousands more – will follow this delightful couple wherever they y may go.

Karen Proctor, Cardiff

I hope ITV does get rid of the smug Eamonn and Ruth from Friday’s This Morning. I find the couple’s constant bickering and niggling really irritating. They seem to forget they’re on TV, plus they are long past their sell-by date.

While ITV are at it, can they also give Holly and Phil the boot, who are equally as annoying?

I look forward to seeing Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary who will give the show fresh appeal and bring it more up to date. Lesley Robinson, Manchester

I read with disgust that ITV are apparently axing Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford from This Morning. In my opinion, Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby should go too.

Schofield is cocky and arrogant to the point of being rude, particular­ly on Spin to Win where he ridicules viewers who call in to enter. Then we had Holly flaunting her ridiculous £760 jacket in the Mirror the other day.

Please keep Ruth and Eamonn, they are human and relatable. Steve Henshall, High Peak, Derbys

I was devastated to hear that Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford might be replaced by Dermot O’Leary and Alison Hammond on This Morning.

Eamonn and Ruth, have been presenting the show for 14 years and I would miss them tremendous­ly as they are a lovely, warm couple. As husband and wife, they have me in stitches when they interact with each other. Mandy Dhanda, Coventry

So, Ruth and Eamonn are reportedly to be replaced? This would be a big mistake by ITV.

Alison Hammond would be good, but Dermot O’Leary isn’t suited to this spot, as he demonstrat­ed the last time he stood in. He seemed to try to take over by constantly butting in.

M George, Biggleswad­e, Beds

Eamonn and Ruth are said to be “furious” that ITV is giving them the push. They ought to be grateful they’ve had such a good run.

It’s time for a change and Alison and Dermot will be a welcome breath of fresh air.

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