Daily Mirror

Refusal to spend Xmas with mum has sparked big row


Dear Coleen

My husband and I, along with our two children, have decided to bubble up with his parents this Christmas, which has caused a huge falling out with my family.

The truth is, I don’t get along that well with my parents – my mother in particular – so this was a good way out of the usual stress I have to endure at Christmas.

I blamed my husband by saying he doesn’t get to see much of his family because they live 200 miles away, which is true, although he would have gone to my parents if I’d wanted to.

My mum was having none of it, accused me of being neglectful, cruel and keeping her grandchild­ren from her. My brother, who lives in Germany, has also stuck his oar in, saying it was my duty to see our parents because he couldn’t!

I’d love to be able to tell her the truth, which is, in an already tough year, I don’t want to spend Christmas with her criticisin­g me, judging me and generally being horrible.

I’ve never really addressed her behaviour and how I feel about the way she treats me, so this is where we are.

Do you have any advice?

Coleen says

I think maybe after Christmas it would be a good idea to think about telling your mum how you really feel. Yes, it’ll probably open the floodgates and it’ll be painful, but you might get to the other side and gain a better understand­ing of each other. And then you can explain why you chose not to spend this Christmas at her house.

You’re avoiding having this conversati­on, which I understand, but it means there will always be issues over getting together – whether it’s for Christmas or something else. The point is, she can’t change her behaviour unless you tell her what’s upsetting you.

But don’t prevent her from being in contact with your kids over the holidays – set up a video call so they can see each other and rise above your own issues for that time.

As for your brother, what you decide to do has nothing to do with him and he can’t assuage his guilt for being AWOL at Christmas by making you go in his place!

I think this Christmas is going to raise a lot of grievances among families because we’re being forced to choose who to spend it with, but I think your issues require a bigger conversati­on.

I don’t get on with her and she always criticises me

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