Daily Mirror

The name game

Hidden in the grid is the name of an actor. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.


BOX1: Which animated duo feature in the 1993 short film The Wrong Trousers? Chip and Dale (I) Wallace

and Gromit (J) Tom and Jerry (T) BOX2: What boxing weight class falls between bantamweig­ht and lightweigh­t? Featherwei­ght (U) Cruiserwei­ght (M) Middleweig­ht (P)

BOX3: In which century was the Taj Mahal built?

Sixteenth (L) Seventeent­h (N) Eighteenth (I)

BOX4: What is a Portuguese man-of-war?

Tornado (O) Red chilli (R) Jellyfish (E)

BOX5: Humphrey Bogart, Robert Montgomery and Dick Powell have all played which fictional private eye?

Hercule Poirot (S) Philip Marlowe (R) Sherlock Holmes (D)

BOX6: What is the real last name of actor Joaquin Phoenix (pictured)?

Bottom (O) Bird (N) Brixton (Y)

BOX7: Who was the first to be interred in Poets’ Corner in Westminste­r Abbey?

Edmund Spenser (G) John Donne (A) Geoffrey Chaucer (B)

BOX8: What term describes a leaf with two or more colours?

Hybrid (A) Variegated (C) Pollarded (K)

BOX9: The tributarie­s of which river include the Inn, Sava, Tisza and Prut?

Nile (C) Danube (S) Orange (W)

BOX10: What percussion instrument consists of a pair of shell shaped wooden blocks that are clicked together?

Claves (H) Castanets (E) Maracas (F)

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