Daily Mirror

Let’s do this together


Online school has also started again for The Dark Lord. She couldn’t be happier not having to go back to the classroom and has offered to stay home for the entire year if necessary.

“You’re only home until the 18th,” I muttered, a little miffed that my carefully planned schedule of f lounging around and finishing off the Christmas chocolates has been disturbed.

Especially as she turns into the snack monster while at home and I become a slave to her tummy rumbles. “Muuuuuum – can you make me a snackette to get me through English? We’re reading Much Ado About Nothing and I need Marmite on crackers to keep me going,” she begged from her kitchen table desk.

I’m keeping a closer eye on her since she admitted sometimes bunking off online school last t April by muting herself and catching up on TikTok instead.

“Oh that’s easy,” I tell her, pretending to think back to my old Shakespear­e coursework, but actually only rememberin­g the movie with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson.

“Benedict and Beatrice hate each other and then they love each other. Claudio and Hero love each other and then they don’t, then they do. Everyone gets married. The end. Here’s your crackers,” I spluttered crumbs all over her keyboard as obviously I had to make myself a snack at the same time.

“You’d have made a good teacher,” she said, and I nearly dropped the plate.

“Awww that’s such a sweet thing to say,” I blushed. “You’ve never said anything nice about me before…”

“It wasn’t meant as a compliment, fam,” Jesse almost cracked a smile.

I put on my best teacher voice, “Now don’t make me get out my red pen…”

Email me at siobhan.mcnally@mirror.co.uk or write to Community Corner, PO Box 791, Winchester SO23 3RP.

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