Daily Mirror

Seven typical characteri­stics of bowel cancer


There are around 42,300 cases of bowel cancer diagnosed in the UK every year – they are most common in the over-70s. More than 92% of bowel cancer sufferers have one or more of these symptoms:

50% of patients have rectal bleeding, plus a persistent change in bowel habit of increased frequency of stool and looser stools

20% have a similar change in bowel habit without rectal bleeding

12% have persistent rectal bleeding without other anal symptoms and without a change in bowel habit 2% have abdominal pain, which is always provoked by eating and causes weight loss 25% have a tumour that can be felt on rectal examinatio­n 12% have a lump that can be felt in the abdomen 8% have an iron deficiency anaemia, with or without bowel symptoms.

If you have any or a combinatio­n of these symptoms, see your doctor asap.

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