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Kids and parents agree lessons at home are bad for all involved


AN overwhelmi­ng majority of youngsters say being off school has damaged their mental and physical health, a Mirror survey has found.

Just over 70% agreed they had been negatively affected by lockdown.

We asked young people across social media platforms Tik Tok, Instagram and Twitter to have their say on the issue.

Out of 1,046 youngsters, 738 agreed their mental and physical health has suffered while being kept off school.

Parents also responded on Facebook, with many saying their children were struggling with schooling at home.

One said: “Kids need to socialise with friends, school isn’t just about learning.”

Another wrote: “More children are suffering mental health issues.

“At school they get to interact with children their own age, plus if parents are working from home like a lot of us, you can’t give them the one-to-one.”

One mum commented: “My daughter is struggling socially as an only child, missing her friends, hates online learning and is falling behind. Schools

have been shut far too long. Not only is her mental health struggling but making mine worse too. Homeschool­ing is a nightmare.” But a minority of parents disagreed. One said: “My son is definitely in no rush to go back. It can make life stressful at times. But that’s just life. His teachers are doing great.

“I’m enjoying seeing what and how they learn. It’s definitely a lot more positive then negative in our house.”

Another added: “No, my son is doing absolutely fine and he’s safe.”

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DESERTED Empty school playground

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