Daily Mirror

Lola, 14 liberty, 12 aurelia, 10


Lola Grundy says she understand­s how important lockdown is to keep people safe but she is missing school and her friends.

Lancashire lass Lola, 14, who is in Year 10 and has started her GCSE courses, says: “I know how important it is to stay at home. My school has been really organised with Zoom lessons but it isn’t the same.

“I never thought I would say this but I am really missing school and can’t wait to get back to be with my friends.

“I just want life to get back to normal and think the Government needs to come up with a plan on how lockdown will be eased and give us a timetable.”

Liberty Dorsett says: “After coronaviru­s affected my last year of primary school, I thought it would be over.”

But the Devon 12-year-old adds: “However, it has happened again. Don’t get me wrong, online school is great, I would just prefer to be in a classroom with my friends.

“When I started secondary school in September it was good and I could still make lots of new friends, it was just run a little bit differentl­y. We had to stay in one classroom and the teachers come to us. I miss all my friends... but I can’t see us going back in February.”

Year 5 pupil Aurelia Lloyd-Morell from Kent is autistic and struggling without seeing her friends.

She misses the classroom atmosphere and says: “I don’t like homeschool­ing, I can’t see my friends at all. I know all people feel the same way about their friends but it stresses me out a lot more because I am autistic and I feel like it makes my autism a bit worse.

“I miss the entire class. At my school it has a nice, calming vibe – but not being at school, that’s gone. I can’t do the hockey PE lessons any more which I was getting really good at. It’s only recently I was starting to not be afraid of the ball.

“I felt more confident at school.”

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