Daily Mirror

Hanging around in Matt Hancock’s waiting room


IT’S not much fun being in Matt Hancock’s waiting room – five days after saying “Yes, please” to the Vax-Man, I got a reply.

I had two, in fact, four hours apart. The first came in the morning to the email address I’ve had for decades, the second in the afternoon to one that was imposed on me by BT more recently.

The computer obviously thinks there are two of me at the same surgery, which is a member of “super practice”, Modality.

Both automated messages were disappoint­ing. “All our Covid-19 clinics are full at present,” they said.

“However, we should be told on Tuesday this week [today] what number of vaccines we will be receiving the following week. As soon as we know the number of vaccines we will have available, we will be in touch to book your appointmen­t as soon as possible.”

Looks like I’ll get the jab some time in February, to be imprecise. And which of me gets it first? Modality offers thanks for my “patience and understand­ing at this time”. As well they might, as local people much younger than me have been jabbed.

And what about my 75-year-old wife, who hasn’t even had the first contact yet? The system is not working as well as ministers boast. Patience while NHS workers and possibly teachers get the jab is one thing. It’s another when informatio­n comes in confused dribs and drabs like this. Or not at all, for Mrs R who doesn’t have an email address.

Modality insists: “Together we will beat Covid-19!” Dunno about “together”.

All I can do is stay home and hope for the best. Beating the virus is chiefly in their hands, not mine.

But I’ll keep on keeping on, as best I can.

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