Daily Mirror

Why we all need MENTAL 5-a-day

Everyone knows the drill about eating five fruit and vegetables a day, but with lockdown bringing the national mood down, one psychologi­st tells Amy Packer he’s prescribin­g a mental 5-a-day to safeguard our wellbeing


The Covid-19 pandemic is also a crisis for mental health and we badly need more tools to tackle its effects. That’s the view of clinical psychologi­st Dr Seth Gillihan, a best-selling author and head of therapy for Bloom, the self-therapy app that uses personalis­ed video sessions to help users cope with stress and anxiety.

Dr Gillihan recommends five simple and practical steps based on the science of cognitive behavioura­l therapy (CBT) which we should take each day to safeguard mental health.

“The power of CBT comes from consistenc­y; one-off efforts do little to bend the trajectory of our mental and emotional lives,” he says.

“You need to repeat them every day so it’s best to program these practices into your schedule – like brushing your teeth or eating three meals. Make them part of your routine, so that you don’t have to debate if and when you’ll do them.”

So what are Dr Gillihan’s daily five?

1 Practise helpful ways of thinking

Recognise the unhelpful stories that the mind tells us about not being good enough, or about bad things that are going to happen. Shift your attention to what you can control – the efforts you make, how you are doing your best…

Anxious and stressful thoughts are often waiting for us when we wake up – so, this is a great practice to do first thing in the morning, even before we open our eyes.

2 Unite mind and body

Practices such as mindfulnes­s train us to be in the present and to connect with our physical bodies. When we join mind and body, we become more grounded and can think more clearly.

You don’t need to do anything special to try this, simply focusing 100 per cent on any activity without distractio­n, from washing your hair to applying night cream, is an opportunit­y to be fully present in the moment. A few minutes in the morning can help us start the day on the front foot, and returning to the practice at night is a way to release the events of the day before bed.

3 Enjoy exercise

There are few activities that offer more benefit to both our physical and mental health than exercise. Any type of movement can be beneficial – and the best kind, research has shown, is something we do consistent­ly.

Whether it’s running or dancing, weights or gardening, find a routine for letting your body do what it loves. Exercising in the morning can offer benefits that extend throughout the day and, weather permitting, getting fresh air is an added booster.

4 Spend time with other people

Few things affect our wellbeing as profoundly as the company we keep.

Spend time with people that bring out the best in you every day. In the process, find ways to be of service.

If you can’t spend time with others inside due to Covid-19 restrictio­ns, then get outside by taking a socially distanced walk or exercising with one other person. If you are shielding or the weather is bad the next best thing is to be face-to-face on a video call.

5 Offer thanks

Make space for gratitude. You don’t have to try to feel grateful – that can be tough at the moment – but just direct your attention to the little things, such as a tasty meal, a show you enjoyed or a piece of music.

Try taking three conscious breaths before each meal, noticing your physical body on the first, the people or things around you on the second and the food on the third.

At bedtime recall three things that went well. This encourages a positive mental space as you fall asleep.

Bloom can be downloaded from app stores. A subscripti­on costs £13.99 per month or £58.99 per year

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