Daily Mirror

Yems: Axe sticks in the Craw..


CRAWLEY boss John Yems is ready for a grudge match at Bournemout­h tonight – and he’s not coming quietly to the Vitality Stadium.

Yems (above) had six and a half years with the Cherries as part of ex-boss Eddie Howe’s backroom staff along with current boss Jason Tindall.

But he was made redundant in 2018 with a meagre £3,800 pay-off despite helping them into the Premier League.

Yems said: “I know some players that are still there, some good people down there – but I also know there’s some people who treated me abysmally when I left Bournemout­h.

“It’s such a shame because I had six good years there, some incredible ups and downs.

“I’ll definitely shake hands with Jason Tindall (right) – or fist pump as it is now – and I’ve got no problems with a lot of the players still there.

“But there’s a few people elsewhere at the club I don’t want to see... and I’m sure they don’t want to see me.”

The League Two club only received clearance yesterday morning they could play after Saturday’s tie was called off because of a virus outbreak.

Crawley, who knocked out Leeds in the last round, had 10 players and a member of staff test positive last week. They are now down to six players missing while the training ground was shut and has only been reopened for one session.

With a fifth-round trip to Burnley next month up for grabs, Yems could end up using TOWIE star Mark Wright.

Wright, 34, was on Tottenham’s books as a kid and Yems added: “None of the players have kicked a ball since Leeds, but hopefully Mark can score the first – and his brother Josh gets the second! We’ll be ready.”

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