Daily Mirror

Our miracle

Autumn brings hope to family after trauma of brain tumour

- BY CAROL DYCE features@mirror.co.uk @DailyMirro­r

WARM WELCOME Autumn on day of her birth

CHERISHED Autumn with her adoring family, dad Phil, brother Austin and mum Kate

BABY Autumn gurgles happily, milking the attention, and rightly so. Because to her family she is a little miracle, “the light at the end of the tunnel” after a traumatic two years.

For Autumn was conceived with sperm frozen in the week her dad, Phil Meakin, was diagnosed with a brain tumour. And her mum Kate had six miscarriag­es before finally giving son Austin a little sister on October 23, 2020.

Kate, 39, says: “Our little girl is a symbol of hope and new beginnings for us as a growing family.”

Their future had looked in peril in November 2018, when Phil was diagnosed with a brain tumour after suffering headaches, dizziness and numbness.

Kate says: “My first thought was, ‘I’m going to be a widow at 37’.

“Austin was only two and I was convinced Phil would not see him grow up and that we would never have any more children. One minute life was normal, the next it was scary and unknown.

“We were told that Phil had to have surgery soon or he could die.”

They froze Phil’s sperm and nine days after his diagnosis he had a five-hour op to remove as much of the tumour as possible. Phil’s tumour was noncancero­us but he still needed radiothera­py and chemothera­py. Kate, who had lost three babies before his diagnosis, lost three during his treatment.

Kate says: “In January 2020, we decided we would give it one more go.” When she became pregnant, she says, it felt like “it was meant to be”.

She says: “It was so emotional when I gave birth with Phil at my side. I’ll never forget his face as he held his new-born daughter.”


The couple, from Kenley, South London, decided to tell their story through The Brain Tumour Charity to raise awareness.

Phil, 40, says: “I coped by becoming very matter-of-fact.”

He chose friends to do “milestone” things in the future with Austin, who is now four, such as buying his first football boots and organising his 18th birthday party.

Phil says: “I never actually asked my friends but it gave me comfort to make plans.” Doctors say the tumour is likely to grow back but he and Kate cherish every moment with Autumn and Austin.

Kate says: “We’re excited about life. Our future looks bright.”

The Brain Tumour Charity is holding The Big Bake fundraiser online this month. Sarah Lindsell, the charity’s chief executive, says income will fall 40% due to Covid.

She says: “Our fundraisin­g is more vital than ever.”

Sign up at thebraintu­mour charity.org/get-involved/big-bake For support, call the charity free on 0808 800 0004 or email support@ thebraintu­mourcharit­y.org See Kate’s Instagram at instagram. com/mrskmeaks/?hl=en

I’ll never forget his face as he held his daughter


 ??  ?? BELOVED Autumn has brought joy to her family
CUDDLES Austin and his little sister
BELOVED Autumn has brought joy to her family CUDDLES Austin and his little sister
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