Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

Could you provide some advice on how to cope with unhelpful thoughts?

I suffer from anxiety and, as a result, I don’t watch a lot of news and I don’t do social media. Coronaviru­s has restricted the support I used to receive, so I’m struggling.

I became really anxious about Brexit and Donald Trump, and having Boris Johnson as PM is messing me up even more.

I know it’s silly to worry about things I can’t control, but there seems so much to worry about.

Coleen says

The news is anxiety inducing at the moment, even for those of us who aren’t normally anxious, so I think you’re right to filter what you watch and read. I don’t know if you’ve tried self-help techniques such as meditation – it sounds a bit out there if you’ve never tried it, but really it’s just a way of helping to clear your mind and feel more relaxed and in balance.

There are lots of good apps that cover this – Headspace and Calm, for example.

I’ve been affected by the news agenda, too, and I’ve started to read more books, which has really helped to take my mind into another realm.

You’re right, there is no point in worrying about things that are out of our control – all you can do is control yourself and your response to situations.

It’s vital to remind yourself of the positive things, which are there if you look for them.

Getting outside and clearing the cobwebs away is also good for body and soul. And if you watch TV, watch things that make you laugh.

If you’ve had help in the past, you probably know that CBT (cognitive behavioura­l therapy) is very effective, so it might be worth looking into one-to-one or group sessions online.

You can also find lots of helpful info at mind.org.uk.

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