Daily Mirror

Brit who faced death penalty free in weeks

Woman killed her abusive husband after they started new life on paradise island

- BY LUCY THORNTON lucy.thornton@mirror.co.uk @lucethornt­on

She has lost her husband and home.. it has been a traumatic experience SANGEET KAUR DEO SAMANTHA’S SOLICITOR

A BRITISH woman who escaped the death penalty after killing her abusive husband is “thrilled to bits” at being told she will be free in weeks.

Samantha Jones, 55, was jailed in Malaysia for stabbing John in the chest after he came home to their villa drunk.

She has been told she will now be released on February 18 but was warned she faces weeks in quarantine.

The former insurance clerk from Somerset had been married to John for 17 years and they lived on the paradise island of Langkawi.

Her lawyer says she was the victim of years of domestic violence and she stabbed him after he “punched her all over” in October 2018.

John, 63, had been out all day boozing with fellow expats, she said.

The retired fire service boss suffered a fatal stab wound to his chest which pierced his liver. On the eve of her trial, Samantha said: “I want everyone to know I loved that man”.

She wept when she escaped hanging and was instead found guilty of “culpable homicide” – murder without intent – and was jailed for 42 months.

Authoritie­s say she is now clear for release having served 28 months, but could still face weeks of quarantine, plus a period at an immigratio­n centre before deportatio­n to the UK.

Samantha met John at a fire service bash when the dad of two was married.

He left his family and moved in with her before they decided to move abroad for a fresh start.

But their dream life soon turned into a nightmare as their relationsh­ip descended into violence.

Samantha’s family have been told they will need to pay for her flights and accommodat­ion. She has been held in Pokok Sena women’s prison in Kedah. Her solicitor has told how she was living in fear of contractin­g coronaviru­s. A few weeks ago the jail was locked down after an outbreak.

Her solicitor, Sangeet Kaur Deo, has previously told The Mirror that John “had a lot of problems” but Samantha had been “standing by him”.

The respected human rights lawyer added: “She never imagined anything like this could ever happen. She’s lost her husband and home. She is still grieving, it has been a traumatic experience.”

She claimed Samantha was unable to call police as domestic violence is considered “taboo” in Malaysia.

 ??  ?? LEGAL BATTLE Samantha arrives for trial hearing GUILTY
Samantha Jones is in a Malaysian jail VICTIM
Abusive husband John, who she killed
LEGAL BATTLE Samantha arrives for trial hearing GUILTY Samantha Jones is in a Malaysian jail VICTIM Abusive husband John, who she killed

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