Daily Mirror

Frank, 70, is oldest to row solo 3,000 miles across the Atlantic

- BY PAUL BYRNE paul.byrne@mirror.co.uk @PaulByrneM­irror

A 70-year-old adventurer is well on the way to raising £1million after becoming the oldest solo rower to cross the Atlantic.

Fittingly, Frank Rothwell did the 3,000 miles in a boat called Never Too Old.

He left La Gomera, in the Canary Islands, in December and reached Antigua in the Caribbean on Saturday.

After crossing the finish line, the tired grandad said: “It took six long weeks to row, after 18 months of training.”

Frank, who said his journey had been “unbelievab­le”, hopes to raise £1million for dementia research. Boosted by a huge wave of donations his fund last night stood at more than £720,000.

Sadly, during his voyage his brother-in-law Roger, 62, died with Alzheimer’s. Frank added: “While rowing, I received heartbreak­ing messages from people who have had similar experience­s to my own with Roger.”

Frank had been one of eight solo entrants in the annual Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, which attracts up to 30 craft. During the voyage he tackled 17ft waves and his boat, weighed down with supplies, was often pushed back to where he’d started the day by 25mph winds.

He said: “You can’t row against the wind in a solo boat as you’ve got to stop to sleep sometime – and when you stop, it blows you back.” At one point he was surrounded by up to 300 dolphins and also came under attack from kamikaze flying fish.

“They kept hitting or landing on the boat. During the night I’d often hear a big, echoing bang.” But Frank’s biggest challenge was being away from his wife of 50 years, Judith, 71, who was there to greet him in Antigua.

“We were childhood sweetheart­s,” he said. “And she is my best mate.”

Frank, from Oldham, who owns storage and container firm Manchester Cabins, had a knee replaced in 2019 and has also recovered from prostate cancer.

In 2017 the adventurer appeared in the gruelling Channel 4 survival show, The Island with Bear Grylls.

Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation has pledged to double the first £500,000 of donations if he hits £1m. Sir Malcolm Walker, founder of the firm, said: “I’ve known Frank for many years and seeing the support he’s receiving is astounding.”

Frank added: “Having the backing from so many means the world to me.”

Hilary Evans, chief executive of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “We’re incredibly moved by Frank’s determinat­ion.” ■ To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/ fundraisin­g/frankrothw­ell

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 ??  ?? FINALLY THERE Brave Frank Rothwell reaches Antigua on Saturday
FINALLY THERE Brave Frank Rothwell reaches Antigua on Saturday

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