Daily Mirror

DWP facing ‘sex attack’ mum action


A MUM who repeatedly told benefits officials she had been sexually attacked is taking legal action against the Government.

She claims she was suicidal during her battle for the full Universal Credit, including the £236a-month “element” for her third child, who she says was conceived in an attack on her by an ex-partner.

The woman, in her 30s from Yorkshire, insists she had to tell more than 10 Department for Work and Pensions staff about her situation in 20 phone calls.

A DWP probe found “failures” but offered just £100 in compensati­on.

The mum, claiming the DWP breached the Equality Act and the Human Rights Act, said: “I want to make sure they change their policy.”

...of the week at

Celebrity Best Home Cook: “The knob at the end of a butternut squash is called a peduncle.”

To which my wife replied: “Unless you’re holding a butternut squash. Then it’s called Ian.”


Did you see the size of the portions served up by the winner Ed Balls? Talk about “for the many, not the few”. Ed’s clearly still a Labour man at heart.

CELLS grown in the lab can be used to repair damaged livers, tests show.

The Cambridge University research could one day make liver transplant­s a thing of the past.

Scientists injected cultured gall bladder cells into human livers found unsuitable for transplant and fixed damaged bile ducts.

Study author Prof Ludovic Vallier said: “This is the first time we’ve been able to show a human liver can be repaired using cells grown in the lab.”

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