Daily Mirror

Megs a difference

Mum looks like a royal after she lost 7 stone to be Miss Slinky 2021

- BY LOUIE SMITH louie.smith@mirror.co.uk @smith_louie

MUM Tansy Arnett shows her re-Markle-able transforma­tion after shedding over 7st – and becoming a dead ringer for Prince Harry’s wife Meghan.

The learning support assistant had ballooned to 18st and could not keep up with her young sons.

By her mid-20s she was always exhausted and in pain, and felt self-conscious about her size.

Tansy, 29, said: “I didn’t like undressing in front of my partner and I hated looking in the mirror.

“I didn’t recognise the person looking back at me and felt like I was losing myself.

“I had joint, back and neck pain, felt tired all the time and often found things uncomforta­ble at work, such as trying to squeeze on to the small children’s chairs.

“I was conscious of my weight every minute of every day. The fear of seeing someone I hadn’t seen in a while was terrifying. I would worry about them noticing how much weight I’d put on.”

The mum-of-three had tried dieting but would get into a cycle of weight loss followed by gain.


Then she joined Slimming World and stuck to a sensible meal plan – and after losing 7st 3lb and dropping six dress sizes has been named Miss Slinky 2021. Tansy, mum to 12-year-old twins Charlie and Keegan, and two-year-old Harry, now weighs 10st 11lb and is a slim size 8 to 10 – down from her previous size 22. She said: “People can’t get over how much weight I’ve lost. My partner loves my newfound confidence, and I can give my work 110%. I feel I have a new lease of life.

“I used to feel trapped in my body but now I’m set free. Some people have even said I look a bit like Meghan Markle, which is a huge compliment!”

 ??  ?? BEFORE Her weight ballooned to over 18st
EXHAUSTED The mum could not keep up with kids
DUCH LESS Now Tansy looks like Meghan
PANTS TO THAT She shows her old trousers
BEFORE Her weight ballooned to over 18st EXHAUSTED The mum could not keep up with kids DUCH LESS Now Tansy looks like Meghan PANTS TO THAT She shows her old trousers

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