Daily Mirror

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Channel 4, 8pm


Your stories about your pug Boris sparked happy memories of our rescue beagle Chum in the 1970s. On a day out to a country fair, I had him on an extending lead but he got bored standing with us and went off to explore.

When we realised he’d gone, we followed the lead to find him trapped under the fashionabl­y long skirt of a very short lady, his furiously wagging tail sticking out from under it.

It was tricky trying to retrieve him and my wife wanted to die of embarrassm­ent!

When all the excitement died down, a bloke came and shook my hand and said, “I must buy you a drink – that’s the best laugh I’ve had in ages.”

Tony Sykes, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

A few months back, my eldest daughter revealed she used to sneak out of the house in the early hours of the morning to meet her friends – since then I have called her The Dark Lord. Michael Knipe, Shipley

West Yorkshire

Ed: Oh good! Something for me to look forward to then, Michael

You’ve summed up how we all feel with hope on the horizon. And I loved reading My Home School by Lynda Mackenzie – it was hilarious! Best wishes to you and The Dark Lord for keeping us going – still standing, still fighting.

Jane Shippey, Watford, Herts

Ed: Thanks, Jane – The Dark Lord is indeed the gift that keeps on giving

It’s been a 12 months of high stress and many of us have been living in close proximity to our fridges – but we are also hearing the vital message that ‘lockdown belly’ is dangerous for our health.

Back in the summer, doctor and dietician Michael Mosley challenged five strangers to reverse the effects of lockdown and lose a stone in 21 days.

Adrian, Tracy, Katie, Curtis and Shakira had all put on weight, but

bravely faced Michael’s scales and tape measure.

There was some criticism at the time of the 21-day diet, with fears it could spark eating disorders.

But in this follow-up show, Michael reunites the volunteers to myth-bust some of the common misconcept­ions around healthy weight management.

Cutting-edge tests illustrate that the calories our volunteers actually need could be different to the NHS’s recommende­d daily amounts.

And he investigat­es whether weight loss inevitably leads to putting weight back on again, and explores whether exercise is as helpful as we think.

 ??  ?? CHALLENGE Michael Mosley, right, gives a dieting update
CHALLENGE Michael Mosley, right, gives a dieting update

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