Daily Mirror

Safe, sturdy exit plan to freedom


BORIS Johnson’s unveiling of his plan to ease restrictio­ns and eventually see them virtually lifted by June 21 will be a great relief to much of the population who for so long have put their lives on hold.

It’s to the PM’s credit that his roadmap has taken a measured approach rather than going at full pelt to bring us out of lockdown.

He has wisely listened to the medical experts and, in doing so, hopefully will not be forced to impose another lockdown.

Mike Smith, Chatham, Kent

I am really confident in this approach. I think it was clear, cautious and it has given me hope. I am now able to plan ahead somewhat. The bottom line is we all need to get back to living our lives, so I’m trying to remain positive and help as many people as I can affected by this.

Sarah Hayes, Herts

It’s great news we are starting to come out of lockdown but I would like to see the teachers vaccinated first. This lockdown has been a bind for us all, nearly all things closed up, nowhere to go. Now two can meet in the park for a drink from March 8 but I’ve seen loads of people meeting up not distancing, no masks and in groups. Some have completely ignored rules as though this pandemic was nothing to worry about. Let’s hope the sacrifice made by the rest of us has been worth it.

Dave Mellor, Warrington

It’s good news but there still isn’t enough support for

hospitalit­y. After all the effort pubs and other businesses have put in to make themselves safe, it’s ridiculous the way the Government has treated them.

Pubs and hospitalit­y, including gyms, are some of the safest places to be but are scapegoate­d all the time, yet packed supermarke­ts are fine? I really hope that it’s not too late to save these businesses. Jack Hodgson, Portsmouth

I think things could go a bit quicker than what the PM has announced, but I feel it’s probably better to be safe than sorry. It’s a sensible roadmap out of lockdown, and fingers crossed, it all goes to plan and we never return to lockdown again.

I can’t wait for June and things to be back to normal.

Danielle Hughes, Blackpool

Finally, there is light at the end of

the tunnel. It’s fine to be wary, but I’ve seen so many people being so negative about lockdown easing.

If you’re still being a doom and gloom merchant, even though there’s something to look forward to, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself. Life has to go on. John Docherty

Knowsley, Merseyside

Sorry, but did I hear correctly when Boris and his chums told us repeatedly that the recovery roadmap would be data driven and not date driven?

Why then are there only dates in the plan with no sign of any targets telling us how many new cases, or the number of people in hospital and deaths, for example, will trigger improvemen­ts to freedom?

It’s another case of smoke and mirrors from an ineffectiv­e government, which is more frightened of the money-driven backbenche­rs than the still- rising death toll.

Are we convinced? I think not. Mick Waites, Portsmouth

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