Daily Mirror

A duvet to enjoy together

One half’s warm.. the other cool

- BY RUKI SAYID Consumer Editor

COUPLES fearing a tog of war as the weather heats up could make peace with this innovative duvet.

The Made For You Two bedcoverin­g is rated a cool 4.5 tog on one half and a toastier 10.5 on the other.

And according to Aldi, which is stocking the duvet, it will prevent squabbles caused by one bedmate being warmer at night than the other.

It was launched after a survey found a third of couples row over the bedroom temperatur­e at night.

The Made For You Two is already flying off shelves, as couples who have put up with the wrong weight of duvet for years hailed it the Holy Grail of bedding. Many took to Aldi’s website to give their seal of approval.

One shopper posted: “What a great idea – after 55 years of marriage at last found a duvet to suit us both. Well done Aldi. I feel the cold so like a nice toasty duvet. My husband gets too hot so the 4 tog is great for him.”

Another said: “This made for two is great so I can have a lighter tog and my husband likes a heavier tog.” And another well-rested buyer wrote: “Bought this ready for the onset of spring/summer when one of us still wants the glorious warmth of 10 tog and the other sleeps on top of the covers. Let marital harmony go on!”

Couples can now splash out £24.99 for a double duvet or £29.99 for the king-size version, both manufactur­ed by bedding brand Slumberdow­n.

Aldi said the product had been launched “in response to Brits’ on-going troubles in the bedroom”.

A spokesman for the supermarke­t added: “The duvet for two provides a much-needed sleep at an affordable price – perfect for couples who spend their nights hogging the duvet or chucking the covers off.”

BORIS Johnson should read the testimonie­s from those who have lost loved ones to Covid-19 in our paper today.

He would understand the grief they are suffering and why they want a public inquiry.

These are not people seeking vengeance on the Government for any mistakes it has made.

They are simply people who have been through anguish and want the truth.

The Prime Minister’s reluctance to hold an investigat­ion smacks of a sub-par student unwilling to hand in their homework because they know they will get a poor mark.

But if you refuse to have your work examined, you cannot learn from your mistakes.

By delaying an inquiry, Mr Johnson is delaying the opportunit­y to review how the Government has handled the pandemic.

He appears to care more about protecting his reputation than the feelings of the bereaved.

The Prime Minister cannot run from the truth. When the UK has suffered one of the highest Covid death tolls in the world, the Government has to be held accountabl­e.

For the sake of all those who have suffered, we will fight to make sure that happens.

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