Daily Mirror

Fury at Hebdo cartoon in class


AN angry crowd gathers outside a school’s gates after the Charlie Hebdo cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad was used in a lesson.

Several police officers attended to the “disturbanc­e” yesterday as protesters, including community leaders, obstructed cars.

The religious studies teacher who showed the image to students has been suspended. Pupils at Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire were advised to stay home until later on in the day.

The protest erupted after a message was circulated on social media. It led to calls for the resignatio­n of the teacher involved.

Hours later police read out a statement of apology from the head teacher Mr Gary Kibble, who also held a meeting with an imam.

His statement said: “The school unequivoca­lly apologises for using a totally inappropri­ate resource in a recent religious studies lesson.

“The member of staff has also given their most sincere apologies.”


The cartoon from French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was shown during ethical discussion­s about freedom of expression earlier this week.

Twelve people were killed in 2015 at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris by two men who claimed affiliatio­n to al-Qaeda after the cartoon was first published. Policemen and cartoonist­s were among the dead.

In an email to parents Mr Kibble accepted the images had the “capacity to cause great offence to members of our community for which we would like to offer a sincere and full apology”.

One parent said: “This image is so offensive and there is no way it should have been part of the curriculum.”

But another added: “As a Muslim I found this pathetic. Why scream and shout over everything. Just tell the teacher it wasn’t that good of an idea, politely educate and move on.”

The National Secular Society insisted: “Teachers must have a reasonable degree of freedom to explore sensitive subjects.”

This image is offensive and should not be on curriculum


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OUTRAGE Crowds gather outside Batley school yesterday
DEMO Police at schools gates
PROTEST Community leader speaks outside gates as crowd calls for teacher to resign OUTRAGE Crowds gather outside Batley school yesterday DEMO Police at schools gates
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