Daily Mirror

Ban all travel to stop third wave

- Edward Lyon, Sandown Isle of Wight

■ Once again Boris Johnson is treating the public with contempt. The new rules on travelling abroad which exempt people with holiday homes, or those thinking of buying one, are an absolute farce.

This would mean the likes of his father Stanley – who has a villa in Greece – don’t have to suffer the fallout from this pandemic like the rest of us (Mirror, March 24).

As PM, it’s Boris’s job to protect everyone in this country but this vague rule is open to abuse – anyone can say they are travelling to visit properties abroad.

With a third wave now gripping Europe, this will leave us exposed to more cases and new variants. What an utterly self-gratifying Government we are stuck with. The country deserves a lot better. Mary O’Brien, Hingham, Norfolk

■ It is beyond belief that a loophole allows people with holiday homes to go abroad while the rest of us face a draconian £5,000 fine. As usual it’s do as we say, not as we do from this contemptib­le lot. They think they are above the rules. They should either stop foreign travel completely, no exceptions, or open it up from May 17 to everyone who’s had the vaccine or who can provide a negative result. It’s completely wrong that the majority are expected to follow the rules while the rich can carry on as if nothing has changed.

John Murray, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire

■ If we are to prevent a surge of the virus coming to our shores from the Continent,

it’s essential that we raise our drawbridge­s now and not wait until it is too late. Travel to and from abroad must be strictly for essential purposes only, which must not include holidays. Unless everyone is prepared to sacrifice a foreign holiday this year, we will be back in another lockdown which surely no one wants.

Brian A Hamper, Heathfield East Sussex

■ We have been told we’ll just have to live with Covid-19 and the plethora of variants that are bound to appear. Scientists have said we must expect many such variants, some more lethal than others, and also that we should treat Covid like the flu.

We now have the technology and systems in place to track the virus so please save us from the weekly pontificat­ion of politician­s and scientists, who are fuelling our fear, and re-open completely to get us back to normal.

Dave Pilkington

Lytham St Annes, Lancs

■ Boris Johnson has acknowledg­ed that the coronaviru­s wave in Europe will most likely also hit the

UK. Unfortunat­ely, I think it is inevitable. So, surely, as well as fining people who travel abroad, now is the time to close our borders to prevent such a surge from developing here.

I fear that, if not, we will be looking at a fourth lockdown. Sandra Walter, South East London

■ Why doesn’t the Government just ban all flights coming in from Europe? Surely, this would potentiall­y help stop this third wave about to hit us?

At present we can’t travel by car to different parts of the country to meet family and friends, but under new rules it’s fine for people to go abroad if they have a second home or want one. How is this right? Sue Atkins, Southampto­n

■ Of course the third wave now sweeping across Europe will come here with our still utterly complacent Prime Minister at the helm.

If he fails yet again to completely shut down our borders, it is bound to “wash up on our shores” and a vaccine-resistant variant will put us back at square one.

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