Daily Mirror



▪ Set realistic goals Do whatever you’re comfortabl­e with. It doesn’t have to be a 5k run or a personal best, it could be as simple as going for a short walk. Try to exercise for pleasure, rather than for fitness or to lose weight.

▪ Take time to rest Recovery is just as important as training. We put our bodies through a lot each day. When you come home you need to eat properly to help your body recover. Then put your feet up or have a bath. Make sure you have that downtime where you let your body and mind rest.

▪ Mind over matter Your brain can trick you into wanting to stop before your body actually needs to, so just keep moving your limbs. Your mind will try to tell you that you can’t do it, but you just need to keep moving.

▪ Focus on your core Core strength is so important. It gives you stability in your whole body, and when you fix that then a lot of movements get easier. Try my three exclusive exercises to start building your core today.

▪ Just do it Often, the thought of doing exercise is much worse than actually doing it. So put those negative thoughts to one side because you’ll feel so much better once you’ve finished your workout.

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*Always consult your GP before starting any new exercise routine

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