Daily Mirror

Let it see..

Macca’s eyes feel fine after yoga workouts


When went to India in 1968 they denounced drugs in favour of meditating.

The Beatles

When Sir Paul McCartney went on his own he discovered eye yoga.

The Let It Be musician picked up the odd regime during a more recent trip and reckons it’s stopped him needing glasses. “I learned off some yogi in India,” he says.

“He explained that your eyes are muscles. Your ears aren’t, so you can’t exercise your ears.

“But your eyes, you can. So head still, and then you look up as far as you can, go back to the middle, then down, back to the middle. You do three lots of that then go to the left and the right. Now you’ve got a cross, you do the diagonals. I remember the Union Jack.

“It all makes sense. I don’t know if that’s why I don’t need glasses when reading a newspaper.”

Sir Paul was talking to double Brit nominee Jessie Ware on her Table Manners podcast, who gamely attempted the routine. “Anyone looking through the window would think we’re mad,” Sir Paul laughed at her attempt. “It can look a bit weird.”

Macca, who gives eye yoga tutorials on YouTube, says: “A friend said their daughter was going to get some glasses. I wrote it all out, and he took it to her and apparently then she didn’t need specs for a few years. It improved her eyesight.”

Eye feels fine.

There were some perks to the Brits taking place during a pandemic, host Jack Whitehall discovered. With fewer performers in the 02, Jack – who has hosted four times – got his dressing room upgraded to the swankiest suite. “Chaise longue and flowers,” he noted. “It normally gets reserved for some big American star.” If he returns next year to present a record five shows surely he’ll get to keep it.

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 ??  ?? LIVE & LET EYE Macca & Jessie Ware
LIVE & LET EYE Macca & Jessie Ware

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