Daily Mirror

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Sorry to be a party pooper, but lilies are toxic if dogs or cats eat them. Sweet as Benji the Bichon Frise looks in Silly Pet Selfie on June 1, I couldn’t raise a smile.

Please let his mum know so she keeps him away from them.

Jan Kiff in Sutton, Surrey

Ed: Good public service warning there, Jan.

I really felt for pen pushers after reading your column about burnt-out Brits working from bed on Monday May 31. How they have suffered over this pandemic.

As a plumber, I’ve had it easy lazing under sink units and baths, and having a great time climbing through lofts and under floors. I don’t think I could do their job without getting serious injuries.

In fact I have just stubbed the end of my finger typing this.

Denis Jones, North London

Ed: Do I detect a note of insincerit­y, Denis? Saying that, at least you’re getting a sun tan hanging from those gutters out there while poor pen pushers probably have vitamin D deficiency and rickets.

Love hearing about The Dark Lord. I remember that time well when my daughters were teenagers.

Fortunatel­y they are now married with children of their own, so it’s payback time for them. But they have also become my best friends.

Janice Duffield, Norfolk.

Ed: I told The Dark Lordette the facts of life when she was about six – and I gave it to her straight. She went quiet, then eventually said: “That’s disgusting. I’m never doing that.” So I may never get my payback time, Janice.

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