Daily Mirror

Gone fishing, mum... lolz

Study finds children love to play outside, or is that just a whopper?

- BY STEPHEN WHITE s.white@mirror.co.uk @StephenWhi­te278

IF you think kids just want to loll about glued to a gadget you could not be more wrong, apparently.

For a poll paints a different picture of a generation now modelling themselves on Enid Blyton’s Famous Five.

According to their proud parents, the youth of today love playing out – fishing, climbing trees, building dens, making daisy chains, skimming stones and generally having lashings and lashings of fun in the great outdoors.

In the study of 2,000 parents, 90% said lockdowns had led to their little ones – all of primary school age – spending more time outside, 72% believing their kids loved being out in the open air whatever the weather.

And 88% said if their children were kept in all weekend because of bad weather, they ended up feeling desperate to go outside and play.

The favourite activity was feeding the ducks, which 50% of mums and dads said their kids had recently done.

Next was climbing trees, at 44%, followed by paddling in the sea (43%) and building dens (38%).

Other popular pursuits included making daisy chains (36%), hiking (32%), strawberry picking (31%) and collecting pebbles while at the beach (30%). The poll suggested 20% of youngsters regularly go fishing, while the same percentage like nothing better than making “potions” from plants.

And 38% of kids said their ideal day would involve an adventure outdoors, compared to 30% who said they’d prefer to stay in and play video games.

Lauren Potter, of Fruit-tella UK, who commission­ed the poll, said: “We know many parents worry about how much time their children spend behind screens, it’s great to see that actually most kids want to instead play outside.”

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TREE-MENDOUS Fun for kids

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