Daily Mirror

Her soil highness

Gardens got Camilla through the pandemic But mice ate her strawberri­es and asparagus

- BY NICOLA METHVEN TV Editor nicola.methven@mirror.co.uk @mirrormeth­s

THE Duchess of Cornwall says being in the garden has helped her get through the past 18 months of the Covid pandemic, despite an invasion of rodents.

Camilla will reveal on tonight’s Gardeners’ World how her vegetable garden was hit by mice and voles.

The green-fingered royal, 74, tells host Monty Don: “I’m very lucky I’ve got a big vegetable garden, but you get the mice, the voles this year, all ate the asparagus roots and got into the strawberri­es, so you can never win.”

She has gardens at all three of her homes, but is understood to be referring to the problems at her Wiltshire property Ray Mill, rather than the homes she shares with the Prince of Wales; Clarence House in London or Highgrove in Gloucester­shire.

As Monty, 66, shows her around his garden at Longmeadow, Herefordsh­ire, she explains: “I think gardens got people through, they realised how special a garden was and what they could do with it, even if they hadn’t before they could start growing vegetables.

You can go to a garden & just lose yourself.. it’s healing


“It was a sort of spiritual experience for them, they discovered a sort of affinity with the soil – you can go into a garden and you can completely lose yourself, you don’t have to think about anything else, you’re surrounded by nature, you’ve got birds singing, bees buzzing about – there is something very healing.”

Her appearance on the show comes after she recently told reporters at a charity event that she’d love to spend all her time indulging her passion. “I’d be out in my garden all day, every day if I were allowed,” she admitted. “I love to get my hands dirty.”

On her plans for the future, she tells Monty: “I would love to put down swathes of bulbs, and I would also like to have a wildflower meadow. It’s ever more important to have these wild flowers – if we’re going to keep on attracting butterflie­s and bees.” Camilla appears on Gardeners’ World on BBC Two tonight at 8pm.


 ??  ?? AFFINITY Duchess told Gardeners’ World host Monty how nature has helped her
Monty shows Camilla garden
AFFINITY Duchess told Gardeners’ World host Monty how nature has helped her TOUR Monty shows Camilla garden

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