Daily Mirror



DENIS LAW has been praised by the Alzheimer’s Society for making public his diagnosis and it hopes his actions will help others struggling with the degenerati­ve condition.

Law and his family have embarked on fundraisin­g for the society following his diagnosis, while the former striker’s bravery and candid account of how the condition has affected him drew praise from chief executive Kate Lee.

“We have offered support to Denis Law and the whole family,” said Lee (above).

“We are incredibly thankful to the family for choosing to raise vital funds for us and hope Denis’s bravery in coming forward will encourage many others to seek the help they need, for which we are hugely grateful. We’ve seen too many sporting heroes impacted by the condition, which is why our Sport United Against Dementia campaign is needed now more than ever.”

Praising the society, Law said: “As a family, we have been offered support by Alzheimer’s Society and have chosen to fundraise for the charity to help support it.

“Its services have never been in more need – used over 5.5million times since March 2020 – and are a lifeline to thousands of families who are having to face a dementia diagnosis.

“The charity is also doing amazing work in the sports industry with its Sport United Against Dementia campaign.”

*To donate to Denis Law’s fundraisin­g page for the Alzheimer’s Society, visit www.justgiving.com/thelawman

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