Daily Mirror

Infighting only helps the Tories


I’M sorry to say my party seems determined to shoot itself in the foot, with Angela Rayner branding Boris Johnson “scum” and the resignatio­n of Andy McDonald.

Labour must do all it can to win over voters after its worst election result since 1935, and Keir Starmer is right to try to make a clean break with the disastrous Corbyn era.

But these playground antics will just give succour to the party’s critics. It’s also a distractio­n from all the vital issues we should be talking about.

In future, I’d advise Angela to use less colourful language when describing our PM. As for McDonald’s decision, it’s all very well having principles but what’s the point if you can’t win power? S Smith, North London

There are many adjectives to describe the Tories, none of which are good, so I personally think Angela Rayner was spot on when she branded them “scum”.

Not a very nice word to use admittedly, but it fits the dreadful Tories to a tee. Ask someone who’s still in work and yet is forced to use a food bank or anyone forced on to a zero-hours contract or who is having their £20 Universal Credit top-up taken away. Angela has been a single mother. She’s one MP who knows what life is like in the real world.

Chris Holden Urmston, Manchester

Regarding Angela Rayner calling Boris “scum” and refusing to apologise, is this the language of politics and the language we want our

children to hear? It might get the fringe elements of a political party cheering but is this how we want our debates conducted?

Insulting your opponents means you’re ruled by anger. Angela Rayner should remember she’s deputy leader of the Labour Party. S Vaughan

Yardley Wood, Birmingham

Angela Rayner’s “scum” descriptio­n of the Tories appears to have upset them and they have demanded she apologise.

Just as Aneurin Bevan, the great driving force behind the foundation of the NHS, upset the Tories in 1958 by describing them as lower than vermin, Angela should not withdraw her statement.

Many people have felt the consequenc­es of the chronic NHS underfundi­ng, and the poorest in society are about to experience the callous removal of £20 from their benefits. I sense they’d approve of Angela’s descriptio­n.

Terry Thomas, South West London

Sorry, Angela, you have just lost my confidence.

Calling a fellow politician “scum” or “scummy” isn’t the way for a leading opposition politician

to behave. I honestly thought you were better than that.

Descending to the level of the Tories won’t get my vote as it’s not the sort of language I want my kids and grandkids to hear from anyone, especially a politician.

Guy Middlewood, York

The resignatio­n of Andy McDonald is sad because, for the second day running, the Labour Conference made headlines for the wrong reasons.

Hence, the cuts to Universal Credit and Labour’s plans to oppose them have so far, it seems, fallen on deaf ears.

Geoffrey Brooking, Havant, Hants

Our illustriou­s Prime Minister might be expensivel­y educated but he’s not very bright.

We’ve suffered his inept pandemic mismanagem­ent while his Brexit untruths are coming home to roost.

There has never been a proper plan and now, instead of levelling up, people are getting a right dressing down.

Perhaps Angela Rayner’s words were a bit strong but they came from the heart.

John Sedgwick, Tamworth, Staffs

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