Daily Mirror


- Dear Coleen

I’m a young gay woman and last year started a course at college where there were 17 lads and three girls. One of the girls left, so the other girl (who’s bisexual) and me bonded, eating lunch together and taking walks. Now, I think

I’m in love with her.

We’ve had a few “moments” – she slipped in the mud when we were out walking and I landed on top of her, and we literally gazed into each other’s eyes. The following week, we were clearing away tools for the teacher and bumped into each other and nearly kissed.

She messages me every day on Snapchat, but I don’t want to tell her how I feel in case she doesn’t feel the same way and it ruins our friendship. I’m also confused by her signals – she sent me a nude pic on Snapchat, but has also told me she doesn’t want a relationsh­ip with anyone.

I can’t stop thinking about her – what should I do?

Coleen says

Good grief, just talk to her! You kids can’t talk face-to-face any more because it’s all on Snapchat. The only way to find out how she really feels is to have an actual conversati­on.

You could just say that you’ve developed feelings for her, but if she doesn’t feel the same, then it’s fine because you don’t want it to spoil your friendship.

Whatever she’s said about not wanting to get involved with someone, she’s clearly sending a different message to you – you generally don’t send nude pics to someone you just want as a mate! Then there’s all the flirting and lingering looks.

Maybe she’s just a bit scared of having a relationsh­ip or lacks confidence and may need you to take the lead and communicat­e it for her.

 ?? ??

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