Daily Mirror

How to cut your fuel bill


Savvy households used to swap suppliers and sign up for cheap energy deals to save money.

But the energy crisis has led to the disappeara­nce of bargain offers, with most fixed contracts now an expensive option.

Martin Lewis, founder of MoneySavin­gExpert, believes fixing tariffs may be a viable option for a few people.

He said if someone is offered a fix that is no more than 40% costlier than their current pricecappe­d rate, it is worth considerin­g, particular­ly if they want certainty over budgeting.

Mr Lewis wrote: “To summarise, it looks like most people should do nothing.”

But households can still reduce their power usage.

The Energy Saving Trust has 12 tips that could cut bills by £378 a year.

For example, draught-proofing a typical gas-fuelled semidetach­ed home could save you around £25 a year.

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