Daily Mirror

Prem star facing 7 rape charges is freed on bail

Mendy told not to contact accusers

- BY PAT HURST mirrornews@mirror.co.uk

MANCHESTER City footballer Benjamin Mendy was yesterday released on bail ahead of his rape trial which is due this summer.

Mendy, 27, had been in custody for 134 days since he was arrested and charged in August last year.

He was first held at Liverpool’s HMP Altcourse, before being transferre­d to Manchester’s Strangeway­s prison.

The France defender, who is accused of a series of eight offences against young women, had been due to go on trial this month but will now not appear before a jury until June 27 at the earliest.

He was granted bail until January 24, the date of his next hearing. Wearing a black suit and white shirt, he replied “OK” as Judge Patrick Thompson, sitting at Chester crown court, detailed the terms of his release.

He must surrender his passport and live at his home address in Prestbury, Cheshire. He was also told not to contact any of his accusers.

Mendy is accused of eight offences against five women, including seven counts of rape relating to four alleged victims, and one count of sexual assault. All of the alleged offences are claimed to have taken place between October 2020 and August 2021. The footballer sat in the dock yesterday alongside his co-defendant, Louis Saha Matturie, of Eccles, Greater Manchester.

Matturie, 40, who was also given conditiona­l bail, has been accused of six counts of rape and one of sexual assault.

Ian Unsworth QC, prosecutin­g, said Matturie would appear in court next week to face one additional rape charge and one more count of sexual assault.

Mendy joined Manchester City from French team Monaco for a reported £52million in 2017. He was suspended by the club after being charged by police.

 ?? ?? GOING HOME Mendy is put into a van after hearing yesterday
In action for Manchester City
GOING HOME Mendy is put into a van after hearing yesterday PLAYING In action for Manchester City
 ?? ?? ARRIVAL
Heading to court
ARRIVAL Heading to court

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