Daily Mirror

Dear Donny


QIs it possible to use an undercoat paint straight over varnished doors, or do I need to sand them down first before painting? Melville Moir, by email


A quick, light sand with 120p grade sandpaper will give a decent key for the undercoat to adhere to. If you don’t do this, the paint may chip off if it gets knocked.


I’m looking for garden fencing that needs relatively little upkeep once it’s installed. Jean Mason, by email


Search “colour fence” online and you will find companies which have such fences, where there is no maintenanc­e apart from washing if you wish to do so.


I have plastic cladding inside my shower. Can I tile over it? Martin Hayde, Kilkenny


Unfortunat­ely, no, as it’s too flexible, so the tiles would just pop off. The cladding is easy to remove depending on what it’s attached to.


For a wallpaper patch, don’t cut, instead tear with your hand toward the wrong side of the paper – this will make the patch less noticeable.

QI have well-trodden decking from my door to the driveway. I’ve tried normal deck stain, but it wears quickly. Is there anything more robust and longer-lasting that I could use? Stewart Smith, by email A

As a one-off, I would use a decking oil from Osmo, which soaks into the timber. It makes it so that there is less wear of the top surface. Q

The brass coating is starting to come off my bathroom sink plug. What can I paint it with? Mr Bill Dryburgh, by email


The paint I use is manufactur­ed by Ardenbrite, which specialise­s in metal paints and has four different shades of gold paint. When applying the metal paint, use a small craft paint brush as it’s easier for delicate jobs.

SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO: diy.donny@trinitymir­ror.com

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