Daily Mirror

Hearts go out to Ukraine, but what about Palestine?


A CHILD was among those killed amid escalating violence, which has seen more than 150 people injured.

Then there are the images showing armed-to-the-teeth soldiers shoving old men to the ground, ferociousl­y attacking women, and firing shots at youngsters.

No, this isn’t happening in Ukraine where rightfully there is outcry at the atrocities taking place.

This is Jerusalem where, with terrifying predictabi­lity, Israeli aggression escalates during the most sacred of times, in the holy month of Ramadan.

This latest conflict was sparked by the Palestinia­ns throwing fireworks and stones, which of course gave Israeli soldiers carte blanche to fire back tear gas and rubber bullets at worshipper­s.

Then a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip and Israel responded with air strikes.

Last year Muslims were also attacked while attending prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque. That turned into a deadly 11-day war which saw hundreds of people killed.

Many will say that the Palestinia­ns should just go quietly. Go where?

I don’t see Palestinia­ns queuing up to come to the UK as refugees. They are very proud people and just want their homes back.

Maybe if their pitiful quota of land wasn’t being taken by Israeli settlers – with the United Nations issuing ineffectua­l edicts to stop – they may feel less antagonise­d by having groups of Jewish worshipper­s at their holy mosque.

Given its importance to all three monotheist­ic religions, Al-Aqsa should be a place of unity, but instead it seems to be a battlegrou­nd.

Our hearts go out to Ukrainians being murdered by Russian troops, but why is it so hard to understand that the Palestinia­ns are victims too?

US President Joe Biden went as far as calling the violence in Ukraine a “genocide”, but when it comes to conflict in Palestine, both sides are urged to show “restraint” as if it is in any way a fair fight.

Just like Russia and Ukraine, Palestine is David to Israel’s Goliath.

Ukrainians are praised for defending their land and, despite the red tape and visa difficulti­es, welcomed here with open arms.

Palestinia­ns do the same thing and are labelled terrorists and get nothing but the shrug of a cold shoulder.

All they do is defend their land and get nothing but a cold shoulder

 ?? ?? SOLDIER At mosque
SOLDIER At mosque

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