Daily Mirror

Keir stance will alienate unions


WOULD Keir Starmer please stop trying to out-Tory the Tories? The Labour Party was born out of the trade union movement and for Keir to forbid his MPs from supporting the current strikers is unacceptab­le.

We should support them. The majority of their members support Labour and we certainly need their backing to continue. As for his U-turn on renational­ising the utility companies, it’s disappoint­ing to say the least.

They should be renational­ised without compensati­on as the current owners have made absolute fortunes out of hardpresse­d consumers, as recently published profits show.

Sheila Fox, Crawley, West Sussex

What is Keir Starmer trying to do to Labour? The party was founded to uphold the rights of the ordinary working people against the scourge of self-serving Tory bosses who put profit before everything else. Rights such as fair pay for a fair day’s work don’t seem to enter their thoughts in their search for quick dividends for their millionair­e backers.

And now Starmer, who was elected to unite Labour ready to do battle ahead of the next election, has shot himself in the foot by sacking junior minister Sam Tarry for joining a picket line. This will weaken his support among the membership and alienate union leaders. All as the party was just getting back on the right footing.

Neil Atherton, St Helens Merseyside

I was concerned to read about the criticism of Keir Starmer by some Labour MPs after he sacked Sam Tarry, who defied the leadership by joining an RMT picket line.

Mr Tarry accepted a position in the Shadow Cabinet and, as such, agreed to abide by the code of collective responsibi­lity.

Those Labour MPs who dislike Keir appear to ignore the fact that the hard-left policies of the Corbyn era led Labour to its worst election defeat since 1935. MPs and union leaders who openly defy the current leader should resign and move to another party.

Keeley-Jasmine Cavendish South East London

Who and what do Labour stand for? The sacking of Sam Tarry was a step too far. The country is suffering, public sector wages have been decimated at the hands of Tories, while the transport system and utilities should be in public ownership. Bosses and shareholde­rs

are raking it in, while those actually doing the work struggle. I feel I have been left with no party to vote for. How many others feel the same? Val Stead, Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taf

Keir Starmer should get behind the workers of this country. He should support people who are striking because all else has failed, and stop the Tories who are threatenin­g to stamp on the unions. It’s time Mr Starmer came out fighting.

Len Hayward Market Harborough Leics

I think it’s such a shame that Andy Burnham can’t be the Labour leader as long as he is Mayor of Greater Manchester.

He would be such a good choice, as he comes across as a really honest, forthright man with a social conscience. He is charismati­c too – so different from the present bland leader. He would give Labour a fighting chance to topple the present, abominable government. Helen Tabern

Garswood, Merseyside

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