Daily Mirror

Even faithful know this cult is doomed


THERE was little point in Tories unable to get to Birmingham due to rail strikes catching a bus, because the PM brutally threw her Chancellor under it.

Traitorous Liz Truss blaming Kwasi Kwarteng for her disastrous miniBudget is the disloyal chief of a lunatic Conservati­ve cult sacrificin­g a key lieutenant in the hope of saving her own skin.

In more than 30 years of going to Tory conference­s, I’ve never witnessed this party devour itself so brutally or a leader fall from grace as rapidly.

Noisy protesters outside play Benny Hill repeatedly but the enemy is inside the Birmingham security cordon, as Cabinet ministers openly speculate that a dud PM not yet in the job four weeks might be gone by Christmas.

And Truss deserves to be the briefest Downing Street tenant in history, beating George Canning’s 119 days during 1827. He died in office and she has killed Tory hopes of a revival after Boris by proving even worse than the partying lawbreaker.

Long silences, waffle and giving Kwarteng a large can of human waste to carry was Truss signalling that she won’t give up a fight.

Nadine Dorries, who backed Truss, for once spoke for many by condemning the PM’s fickleness.

Supporters of Truss don’t help her by lying and denying verifiable facts, insisting that war is peace with Orwellian double-speak.

With friends like Tory chair Jake Berry (work harder, get a new job), Treasury fool Chris Philp (Budget doesn’t favour the rich, give it 9.5/10) and Levelling-Down Secretary Simon Clarke (austerity cuts will be good for the red wall) her cult loses credibilit­y every time they open their mouth.

One smart Conservati­ve veteran of the Theresa May era told me that watching Truss is like watching a helpless puppy being drowned.

She could be gone by Christmas, replaced by Rishi Sunak observing from North Yorkshire. Or she could be fighting a General Election as late as January 2025, ruining and destroying many lives in the meantime.

What we can surmise is short of Vladimir Putin triggering a nuclear war, the Tories will lose the election whenever it comes.

Sooner would be better for Britain.

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 ?? Picture: ANDY STENNING ?? PRESSURE Liz Truss at the Tory Party conference in Birmingham yesterday
Picture: ANDY STENNING PRESSURE Liz Truss at the Tory Party conference in Birmingham yesterday

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