Daily Mirror

Moyles off the boil in underwater challenge


CHRIS Moyles won just one star in the Boiling Point bushtucker trial.

Explaining the trial rules, host Ant said: “You’ve got to enter the boiler room and retrieve four spanners. You’re going to use those spanners to release 11 stars that are within the boiler room and the undergroun­d pipe network.”

After retrieving the spanners and making his way into a watery section of the pipe, Chris said to himself: “Don’t panic… I’m really sorry, I’m really sorry. God I’m panicking I won’t be able to breathe on the other side.”

Chris found he couldn’t keep himself under the water long enough to unscrew stars and said: “Good god this is embarrassi­ng.”

Having collected two stars,

Chris put the spanners in his star bag to move to another section. But then he said:

“I’ve lost my spanners!

Everything’s now fallen out.” A shocked Dec asked: “What, the stars?” Chris admitted: “Yeah!” When the klaxon sounded and Chris returned to Ant and Dec, it turned out he had one star left in his bag. Returning to camp, Chris told pals: “This is so awkward. I’m not joking, I got one star. To make it worse I got two and it fell out of my bag.

“It was enclosed spaces, everybody!” Boy George told the Bush Telegraph: “I wanted him to come back with more for him, not for me. I thought it would be good for his self -esteem.”

Chris’s girlfriend Tiffany Austin is among the contestant­s’ partners who have arrived at Brisbane Airport ahead of evictions starting this week. Meanwhile Boy George was among those getting a soaking in a giant teacup at the Unfair Funfair and Matt Hancock was armed with a toy gun for a task.

 ?? ?? BREW HA HA Boy George in Unfair Funfair & Matt in gun task
BREW HA HA Boy George in Unfair Funfair & Matt in gun task
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Tiffany Austin
GIRLFRIEND Tiffany Austin

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